About Us

Solaris Vega Collective Things

We adore anything Critical Role or D&D related. We are still the peeps who love FNAF. We really enjoy the game Gris as you might have noticed hahaha, but we also really love the game Sky! We also love Genshin, Anything Horror especially ghost stuff and DBD. We are recently really getting into ghost hunter shows again and love the Watcher youtube channel alot. We are very extroverted yet socially anxious little weirdos and thats okay!! We are hyperfixated on inner worlds and how roles can differ from systems, we adore Simply Plural organizing and have a few different note servers we use! (We really love organizing haha), We are also driven to improving ourselves one day at a time! I'm sure there are other things we can list like our love for animes and nature and our deep love for science but I shall leave it at that! The links down below show some people you may see often!